
After adopting the profile and strategic orientation of the Baltic Sea Tourism Center, the steering group is currently working on the business plan. This includes the detailed structure and future form of the institution.

The BSTC has a clear B2B (Business to Business)- and/or B2P (Business to Politics) approach. It addresses tourism stakeholders that show a common interest in international cooperation, share a joint vision and are convinced of the added value of transnational collaboration in the Baltic Sea region.

The Baltic Sea Tourism Center offers a variety of benefits to its members, including the following:

  • Enhancement of cooperation through increasing effectiveness by:
    • building and sharing resources,
    • developing sustainable cooperation structures and strategies, including all BSR countries,
    • speaking with one voice for the BSR tourism industry,
    • joint lobbying for the region(s) on EU-level,
    • collecting and making better use of results of international initiatives with relevance for BSR tourism,
    • developing cross-border products and expanding cross-border tourism flows,
    • creating a more coherent picture of the region and contributing to the development of a common identity;
  • Provision of data, knowledge and best practices on trends;
  • Training and building capacity in the fields of product development, internationalisation and sustainability;
  • Enhanced visibility of institutions, regions, countries and the entire Baltic Sea Region on the global market.