This year's BSTF will be hosted online and welcomes you on four days, thus giving participants the chance to select among the sessions or – of course – visit all of them.
10 November: We are inviting you to join the Warming up for the Forum. This part gives an overview of changes the Corona virus has and could bring about in tourism mobility and offers best practices in the field of sustainable tourism development and youth.
11 November: The EUSBSR PA Tourism Steering Committee Meeting as well as the election of the first Sustainable Tourism Award (STA) takes place.
12 November: The official BSTF under the heading of "Reviving tourism in times of global change" takes place. The session "The future of transnational cooperation" focuses on the political framework for cross-border cooperation within the EU and the BSR. With the session "Adapting to changes and rethinking tourism" we want to discuss experiences and possibilities on how to deal with changes in travel behaviour as well as ways to recover from Corona virus-related crisis with smarter and innovative solutions.
The 13th BSTF closes on the 13 November 2020 with the ministerial meeting following the title "Times of new beginnings – Where do we go from here? BSR 2030." This session brings together tourism ministers from the Baltic Sea countries providing a platform for discussing regional and European tourism.
The detailed programme, additional information as well as the registration form can be accessed here.
*The registration is possible from 30.09.2020 to 31.10.2020
Be part of the BSTF 2020 - From Palanga resort to your office!
Background: The 13th BSTF is one of the events of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States 2020-2021. The Presidency is focusing on achievable, practical and visible priorities and one of them is dedicated to sustainable development, green and maritime tourism as an important sector in reviving regional economy, increasing regions’ visibility and offering employment opportunities to young people.
The Presidency intends to work on a new forward-looking Vilnius Declaration ‘A Vision of the Baltic Sea Region until 2030’, which will partly be the vision of the future of tourism in the Baltic Sea Region. This tourism vision will be worked out during the BSTF.