Attractive Hardwoods

Increasing hardwood business opportunities through more vibrant and sustainable tourism use

The forest of Brunnsskogen in autumn. ©Robert Ekholm

Attractive Hardwoods is a project that aims at developing the hardwoods tourism in Lithuania, Poland and Sweden addressing measures to increase business opportunities through a sustainable tourism. During the project period joint strategies for boosting the cross-border ecotourism in the region, through development of hardwood pilot areas and products are developed. Joint marketing activities and networking assist in reaching the project aims. The partnership has a cross-sectorial approach including organization from forestry, nature conservation and tourism bridging existing sectorial gaps. The project aims to improve and strengthen the cooperation between various national and international players operating in the tourism sector. In the project, authorities, organizations, entrepreneurs, private companies and tourist operators work together to develop products and services. The project's overall experience will be summarized in a common strategy which aims to increase cross-border tourism in broadleaf forests around the southern Baltic.

For further information please contact:

Swedish Forest Agency
Mrs. Ola Runfors
Project Leader “Attractive Hardwoods”
Phone +46 (0) 457 45 51 84
E-Mail ola.runfors{at}